Vietnam Deploys Vessel Monitoring System for all Handline Tuna Fishing Vessels

Nha Trang, Vietnam. Feb. 17, 2020

Sea Delight can confirm a new development in the Vietnam handline tuna and swordfish fisheries. In response to international pressure for better fisheries management, and the interests of Fishery Improvement Project stakeholders, the Vietnam Department of Fisheries has mandated implementation of a Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) for the Vietnam Handline Tuna Fleet. 

Interviews with vessel owners, captains and seafood processors all corroborate the start of the implementation of the new system as of this month. Vessel Captains and owners Tran Van Dat and Tran Van Tai, brothers from the important tuna fishing port of Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa Province. They said the new VMS systems are sealed by fishery officials and cannot be deactivated or tampered with at sea. They also reported that the systems have backup batteries with a solar charger built in and can operate independently of the vessel’s electrical system. 


This was confirmed with phone interviews with several vessel owners in Binh Dinh province and the Operations Manager of tuna processor Hong Ngoc, Mr. Nguyen MinhCuong, in Phu Yen Province. The main tuna fishing provinces in Vietnam are KhanhHoa, Phu Yen and Binh Dinh. 

Vessel captains and owners Tran Van Tai and Tarn Van Dat

Vessel captains and owners Tran Van Tai and Tarn Van Dat

This will be welcome news for tuna consumers worldwide who demand traceable tuna from responsible fisheries in compliance with national and regional regulations. This important progress will also help Vietnam meet its commitments to export sustainable fish for the newly-ratified Vietnam – EU Free Trade Agreement.  

As Vietnam moves to strengthen fisheries management and sustainability regular updates will be posted here. 



Eugenio Sanchez